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Touchdown at the world's 20 most scenic airports

Located in the Himalayas, the airport’s approach offers a view of small houses scattered around the foothills. Though landing is tough here, the views of clear blue waters of the Paro River and the lush green surroundings take the edge off passengers' nerves these are many airports in the world people love to see and visit ( 기타...

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I have flown in to 12 of the 20!
Been to 5 of them..1 I loved was Barra
Agree. Barra was great especially the view as you climb out. Approach to St Barts is spectacular. I was front center seat in the back of a Twin Otter. Try it if you can!
Loved Barra. You don't see any landing strip, and the scenery coming in was magnificent. No really a St.Barts person and have flown a few Twin Otter's.
Still, coming into Billy Bishop, never gets old.
With so many airports with picturesque and beautiful scenery, it's hard to narrow it down to a specific number. One of my favorites for scenery includes Rio de Janeiro's Santos Dumont (SDU/SBJR). Especially like its views of Sugar Loaf and the city.


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