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Dreamliner Drama Unfolding?

In March, Rolls Royce (OTCPK:RYCEF) announced that it would be recognizing charges in the amount of $315 million related to problems on its Trent 1000 Package C turbofans. ( 기타...

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linbb 4
What dream liner drama? Hey guy its roll Royce drama duh.
Seekingalpha is an INVESTMENT site... so YES the Rolls-Royce situation ABSOLUTELY affects the Boeing bottom line.

If you only knew 1/100th of what you think you know.... you'd be doing well!
I think they're referring to the effect on the 787's production schedule due to the resources being diverted to complete inspections of the current affected engines in revenue service.
So, correct!
MH370's baseline rule for posting is "If it ain't besmirching Boeing, it ain't going"
I used to be a daily regular reader, but gave up because of the trolls. I get my news fix elsewhere now. Checking in periodically just to see if it's any better. Nope.


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