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The second MS-21 starts flight testing (video)

Moscow - The second prototype of the MS-21 started flight testing phase on May 12 in Irkutsk. A total of four test aircraft are planned for the certification campaign of the Russian single-aisle. ( 기타...

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So, is it the MS-21 or the MC-21?
So when should we expect Boeing to start complaining about illegal state support from Moscow?
(tongue firmly in cheek!)
dvet13 2
Tom, do you know what UAC's selling points are on this aircraft? It seems to me it would be competitive with the likes of the A320ceo and the 737-700, but not with the neos or the MAXs. Do you think they may be compromising on their first aircraft in a while to just get in the game as a united UAC, or do you think an aircraft like this is just good enough and cheap enough to be competitive in the Russian market? I guess I'm just not sure what corner of the market they're going for with this thing.
honza nl 1
usp: no cramped hull like a 737, even wider than a A320; better aerodynamic wing that both A320 and 737; much lower price
In my opinion, it has not much chance in Europe and North American market. Aeroflot would be the only largest buyer. If proven cost-effective, It can later has a small market share in Asian and African markets.
They'll sell it to markets that are under US or European embargo. For example, Iran needs modern aircraft, and neither Boeing nor Airbus will be able to meet their demands if things keep going as they are.
Maybe Air Koryo will buy some.
china is about five years from getting their single isle version, C-919(?) up and going, also in anticipation of embargoes.


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