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Swedish airline Nextjet cancels all flights after filing for bankruptcy

Regional airline Nextjet announced on Wednesday it was filing for bankruptcy. It cancelled all its flights from 1pm today onwards with immediate effect. ( 기타...

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Sad when an airline just halts and shuts down.

Why exactly did they go bankrupt?
dvet13 2
Looks like they just went under in the natural ebbs and flows of business. Their official statement cited "financial difficulties." They've been seriously struggling financially for over a year. My guess is that the markets they served were just too small and not frequently enough desired flights. I know in the US, we have an EAS program that allows small regionals to serve very small places and still break even financially, a program aimed at guaranteeing air travel to those areas.
I know!

That is how many well known businesses now, climbed the ladder. By doing flights that customers want.

And i am surprised it is a swedish airline because usually they do well.


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