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Small Plane Lands On South Lake Shore Drive

The FAA said the pilot of an Ercoupe 415-D aircraft, a fixed wing, single-engine aircraft, reported an emergency to air traffic control and landed on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. ( 기타...

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That takes a lot of guts to land a plane on a route that busy. Too bad Meigs Field was not around.

Junior Daley tore it up to make way for another park on the lakefront. As if there weren't enough of them already. Meigs was a convenient, logical choice for biz aircraft. Better than either Midway or O'Hare.
No mention in this article that he flew under a pedestrian bridge.
There is still plenty of grass on the old Meigs site. I fly over it often and is a last resort for engine failure in my Cherokee. Hope it never happens but it is still there in an emergency.
I'm not sure where he was exactly in relation to the old Meigs.
Yes, Daley was just like his father and all of the other career political scum that has ruined Illinois. He should have went to jail for what he did to Meigs. He also put many people out of work that night he bulldozed the runway. Google John Burge, Chicago. One of many evil cronies that worked for Daley when he was States attorney, then Mayor.
GoogleEarth 3800 South Lakeshore Drive. its real close
Ditto the Meigs comments! (from a former ORD controller)
I still use Meigs Field on my MS Flight Sim, so there! It's 'default!'
I sure wish we could have learned something more about the pilot and his training and experience.


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