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Crucial details omitted by Boeing in aircraft manual may have prevented deadly Lion Air crash

Two pilots unions have lashed out at Boeing for failing to properly explain a safety feature on the 737 Max aircraft in their manuals. ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
This was an accident looking for a place to happen. After a few false starts it happened here. I don't think a prior manual change would have changed anything. If the plane want's to nose down for whatever reason and I don't want it to, as a crew, we're going to win that battle. Why a high speed dive was allowed to develop hopefully will be answered if the CVR is recovered.
chalet 1
This is a question for large jetliner pilots from the 737 to the 777: which is the corrrect way to recover from a sudden pitch down command of the stabilizer trim: disconnect the AP and straighten the stabilizer trim manually and recover altitude lost, or what. Thanks.


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