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Oman Air plans to order Airbus A350XWB instead of Boeing 787-10, sources

Last June, chief executive officer Abdulaziz Al Raisi has revealed plans of the Gulf carrier about renewing its widebody fleet. The national carrier of Oman wants to replace some of its aging A330s with new devices. The state-owned company thinks that the next-generation widebody aircraft with higher capacity are best-suited to the airline's expanding network. Oman Air management is currently working on a dozen possible new route launches next year. After nearly two years of evaluation, the… ( 기타...

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indy2001 2
"Airbus is closer to receive an order from Oman Air, mainly because of the common type rating of the Airbus A330 and the A350 said an insider to" Considering Oman Air already flies 3 787-8 and 5 787-9 aircraft, how could the commonality between two totally different Airbus models be greater?
They need to purchase lav services...most disgusting flight I’ve ever been on to Bangkok...any airline..

i was on an alitalia flight back in the 90s JFK/CIA that was the most disgusting.
indy2001 0
Interesting, to be sure, but it still doesn't the anticipated selection. The insider referred to by the author claims the common type rating is Oman Air's 'main' reason. To me it would seem that both Airbus and Boeing are on par regarding this feature. Surely there are other reasons.


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