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Spirit Airlines set to serve Hollywood Burbank Airport

Lights, camera, less money, more go! Spirit Airlines is getting ready for its close-up as the airline announces it will soon serve Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR). Beginning June 20, 2019, Spirit (NYSE: SAVE) will begin nonstop flights three times daily between Burbank and McCarran International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas. The three daily flights will not only offer convenient service between two entertainment hubs, but Las Vegas will act as a gateway to more than two dozen other Spirit… ( 기타...

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Neat, now they can join SouthWest in extending ramp parking through the fence and across the street. Burbank is an overrun magnet, but Airbus has (ROPS) Runway Overrun Prevention System for the A320. Unknown if installed. The airport itself now has an Engineered Materials Arresting System. I just hope that Spirit understands the extra demands there and trains appropriately.
i don't think KBUR was ment to be a big commercial airport but will see how spirit does there the ramp is so crowded overthere.


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