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FAA reputation has taken a hit from Boeing 737 MAX grounding: United executive

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) reputation has taken a hit as a result of the Boeing Co 737 MAX grounding, United Airlines President Scott Kirby said on Monday. "The brand of the FAA has certainly been impacted by this," he said at the Skift Forum Asia conference in Singapore. However, he said the regulatory system in the United States and elsewhere was likely to emerge stronger as a result of the 737 MAX grounding experience. United said on Friday it was… ( 기타...

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What a dogshit little blurb, how did this make to my FlightAware email? TL;DR United CEO says what everyone is saying about the FAA's credibility and then assures that UAL is on track with earnings.
Paul Curs -3
I do believe the design approval for the MAX, between Boeing and the FAA, was during Obamazee's watch.
BS --- United has nothing to be proud of in its recent history. And like the rest of the right-wing, it is cuddling with the Trumpanzees instead of calling our Boeing for buying off the FAA. Spare me the BS defense. They've been circle-jerking for years. Com'n Scott and Oscar, let's beat up another passenger.
Bit ironic here considering Scott Kirby has been responsible for much of the hit to United’s reputation lately.


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