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Boeing 747-400 TF-AAA is sunk to be part of Dive Bahrain’s underwater scuba park

Boeing 747-236B (F) TF-AAA (msn 22442) is becoming part of Dive Bahrain’s new underwater dive site off the coast of Bahrain. TF-AAA is the first Boeing 747 to be used as an artificial reef. The underwater site will have a 70-meter long decommissioned Boeing 747 as its centerpiece, the largest aircraft ever to be submerged. The site will provide an exceptional dive experience. Phase 1 of the project includes submerging the aircraft, a replica of a pearl merchant’s house and sail structures.… ( 기타...

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bbabis 2
Was that "Airport 78" or "Airport 79"?
"Airport '77." Saw it in the theater when it came out.
bbabis 1
That’s right. The others had them shooting flares out the Concord’s DV window at mach1 in a dogfight. Lol!
I've been in a 747 at 40.000 ft, so why would I want to be in one at -40 ft? There is enough natural wonder in the seas to be seen on scuba to last my lifetime.
This is actually a good thing. Creating artificial reefs like this promotes healthy reef growth. And, it will also hopefully draw divers who will see reefs and want to protect others, natural and assisted, like this one.
Small detail in the title, it’s a -200 series. Awesome project!
linbb 3
Guess it take its place in history along with the one in Oregon that's part of a waterpark slide mounted on top of the building.


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