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Near Miss: Silkway Boeing 747 Nearly Clips Runway at Prestwick Airport

On October 7th 2019, a Silk Way West arrived from Baku on the bi-monthly cargo flight they operate. It was landing in a light crosswind, when on touchdown the right-wing dips down, nearly missing the runway, before the 747 swings back up sharply to the left, with left-wing nearly getting clipped as well. The pilots were then able to steady the 747, before coming to a stop, after what could have been a serious incident. ( 기타...

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Just looks the PF removed some or all of the xwind correction and allowed the right wing to rise as he lowered the nose to the runway. Observed this many times when the PF stops flying the aircraft after touchdown. No big deal, cargo doesn't complain.
Judging by the plants swaying in the breeze, the crosswind might have been a tad bit more than light.
Breaking news! What could have been a serious incident, turned out to be a normal landing! WOW!
Near miss, rubbish. Nothing but sensationalist nonsense.


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