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Bombardier Global 7500 completes record-setting 8,225nm flight

The recently introduced Bombardier Global 7500 has set another record for the longest non-stop city pair in business aviation history – Sydney to Detroit. This flight is 8,225nm point to point ( 기타...

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the article said nothing of the four crew members who weighed 120 lbs each.
They also had to fly without socks.
I think the article was leaning more toward Wx related performance rather than payload. And who’s to say there was not more than 4 people onboard. Don’t be such a Nancy.
jbqwik 9
What a sweet aircraft. Unfortunately, reading about it is as close as this economy-class retiree will ever get to enjoying it.
btweston 14
Upon arrival in Detroit the passengers and crew stepped out of the plane, looked around and said, “Why?”
you outsmart yourself.
the "Why?" is not the punchline.
stating there were passengers going to detroit was the punchline.
After having to stop many times on my airline flight to South Africa 47 years ago, this is very impressive. Airline flights are so amazing now and corporate is certainly catching up.

9,500 miles, that is impressive.
Some kid “Mom, are we there yet? I have to go to the bathroom or I’ll throw up.”
I wonder what the min/max cruise altitude and min/avg/max GS and TAS were?


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