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Airbus almost certain to be hurt by MAX crisis

This may be the year that Airbus is hit with the negative consequences of the Boeing 737 MAX crisis. ( 기타...

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Alternatively, lease through an investment group.

I though Continental, for one, operated (part of) their fleet that way.

Meanwhile Timaero, based in Dublin, is one such leasing vehicle, and is suing Boeing for $185m over 22 aircraft caught up in the 737MAX debacle.

Stupid, ignorant article by a man who doesn't have a clue about economics.

1. American-built planes are not subject to tariffs. They just aren't.
2. A320, A321, A220 are all built at Mobile, providing thousands of well-paid, skilled jobs. Alabama ain't stupid.
3. Airbus is currently considering a new line at Mobile for A350s. Coincidence?

Wishful thinking by a poorly informed Airbus-hater.
Great. Safety being Trumped by politics. Better just take the train, until that too gets Trumped.
This all may depend. One thing the article neglects to mention is the Airbus plant in Mobile, where they could roll out their jets without a hit by any tariffs.
The last paragraph mentions this: "Airbus is almost certain to become a target for higher tariffs. I won’t rule out adding the Mobile (AL) final assembly line to sanctions despite Alabama being the No. 1 supporter of Trump. There is no way Alabama will vote for a Democratic challenger to Trump; it’s a completely safe state."
I see, but even with that, he's wrong there. The plant was agreed upon and worked on by Obama, and was already in the process of being built and spun up to production before Trump even thought about running for POTUS. So even his claim there is absolute BS.
But anything Obama did the turd wants to reverse
come on, Mark..
EU asked for it. What goes around, comes around, Ahole.
Chris B 5
And Boeing is about to get its own dose of reality from EEC when they impose Tariffs on Boeing.

Its a true Mexican Standoff....


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