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Canadian waterbomber plane crashes while fighting Australia bushfires

A Canadian-owned C-130 Hercules air tanker crashed while fighting bushfires in Australia’s alpine region on Thursday, killing all three of its crew, authorities said. ( 기타...

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Was able to find some ship history. N134CG started out as a US Navy EC-130Q BuAer 161496, delivered 1981, withdrawn and stored at AMARG Nov 2000. Pulled from storage converted/recertified Aug 2018 by Coulson. Heartbreaking for the families of those lost. I hope they can get definitive answers as to what happened.

They deserved better then that. Investigators need to find out what happened, and changes need to be made. I worshiped Chalks. I was in the Bahamas, and their seaport was literally right there. I watched their planes land and take off as much as I could. To see one crash on the video we all likely saw dropped the bottom out of my heart. I was devastated.

Seeing that air drop plane drop when the wing snapped off broke my heart too. They were trying to help all of us. To die like that is depressing...

'We' need to do more to investigate and insure these people are as safe as they can be. Crashing a plane in the middle of a wildfire is really counter productive.

Thanks for their service, but 'we' need to do more.
RIP - I believe this is Coulsen's first accident. 150,000 flight hours.
dba74m 3
I hope the wings did not fail, as was the case in a previous accident with the same type and mission
More on the company here:
antperry 1
Here is the track of its flight
indy2001 1
So much tragedy already in Australia and then this. RIP.


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