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US Attorney Wants to Take Navy Plane From AL Man

US attorney wants to take away a navy plane from Alabama man. The attorney claims the plane was brought to the US illegally in 2008. ( 기타...

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What a waste of time. Its 35-50 years old!
Whats wrong with the man having an antique aircraft,as long as the guns are disabled?The US Attorney needs to get a life,find something better to do with his time.
i know! this is a rare antique, flying piece of history, war bird and the government wants to take it away to scrap it. who wins???
Just stupid.
mark tufts 0
i do not see anything wrong with a private citizen having an antique airplane as long as the guns are removed or disabled
Big Brother is watching us. disable the weapons and let the man enjoy his plane!
Holder needs to be pursuing potential criminals sneaking across our borders on a daily basis, than pursuing private citizens for stuff like this.
I have met Claude, he also owns a P-51 and a T-6. Here is his website for the Skyraider:
Root User 0
Job's not finished till the paperwork's done, that'd be a cool ride!


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