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Flybe 'set to collapse within hours'

Struggling UK airline Flybe set to collapse within hours, putting 2,000 jobs at risk, says BBC business editor ( 기타...

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Craig Vaux -2
What has his Pro Remain view got to with it. I used to be Pro Remain and now I campaign to Rejoin the EU. Suck it up my Brexit friend as we are not going to disappear.
it is a sad thing,but airlines,with a few exceptions of larger "merged" carriers,come and go with the economic sitation of the time..i wish them well...
RIP Flybe Air although I have never flown on any of its aircraft.
November 1,1979-March 5, 2020

14,735 days
2,105 weeks
484 months
40 years
Destined to happen once the arch Pro-Remain Branson gt in on the deal. Hopefully the Government will prevent any of the current partnership in Flybe apply for any of its services.


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