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Why Some Airbus A340s Have A Middle Landing Gear

The Airbus A340 was specially designed for long haul flying and had something not seen with other widebody aircraft today. ( 기타...

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“High flyer” if you can’t read look at the pictures
My first reaction to “highflier” is that he doesn’t read with comphension and calls others as he seems to be
Naw, just responding to the wording in the article. “ The Airbus A340 was specially designed for long haul flying and had something not seen with other widebody aircraft flying today.” as inaccurate.
Hey Jackass, did you forget about the DC-10?
Did you not read the article? "The A340 is actually not the only aircraft to have this gear. It was also present on the DC-10-30/40 and MD-11."
And the Il-86/Il-96

Love how he says some A340's; they all have CMG


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