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Boeing CEO: "We're Gonna Do A New Airplane"

Speaking at Cowen and Co conference in NY right now: "We're gonna do a new airplane that will go beyond the capability of what the (A320)NEO can do." ( 기타...

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Wow! Would this 'new' plane be a 797? That just sounds wierd.
chalet 0
I had to read McNerney's speech thrice and still could not make heads from, he must have been under influence of something that ain't JP1. Besides, what the hell is he talking about, a NEW plane?, they are still struggling with the plastic thing, aka 787, and the new 747-8. You got to finish what you started first, and do it perfectly well, before moving to another venture.
mayday319 0
ok, they cant even get the 787 yet. why go for a new project?
chalet 0
Carter, developing a new plane costs billions, easily 15 B in this case so how in the world are they going to get that money without first deliverying 787s to customers and real money starts flowing into their coffers, banks are not gong to finance it all.


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