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Cathay Pacific Says Farewell To The World’s First Airbus A330

The very first A330 to ever roll off the production line at Airbus has been bid farewell. Having been used for certification flights for Airbus, B-HLJ went on to work for the Cathay group for more than two decades. Now, it has taken its last flight and will be resting its wings in Taipei. ( 기타...

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quite often airbus has designed and manufactured an aircraft of substance and character: witness the A330. Correct for the times, even decades, and worthy of upgrade within its class. This example, B-HJL does not deserve to finish its days as drink or vegetable cans or worse. Leave it intact and on a prominent place at a major airport, just as the 747 needs to be memorialized, and the MD-80 series. These were the foundations of air travel, supplanted due to high oil prices, not from being unsafe and inefficient otherwise birds.
Damn...the first of my favourite Airbus aircraft is retiring. RIP.
jptq63 0


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