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American Airlines Bans Masks with Exhaust Valves and Vents

American Airlines has announced that masks with exhaust valves or vents will no longer be allowed on American Airlines. ( 기타...

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if you are needing a mask,just d a little research as to what is acceptabel,what (as recommended ) has 3 ply,and the like..there are many differing kinds without the "vent"..
Many medical masks have exhaust valves that are filtered..but American doesn't know the difference'
ADXbear 2
I understand.. but.. my mask has a pocket inside that holds charcoal pouches that I must breath through in and out..

The cheap masks dont fo anything but allow breath to openly be expelled.. but I get it..
btweston 0
Did they ban your mask?
TMI and unrelated, but, are the charcoal pouches considered "exhaust valves"?
So no masks that have an exhaust valve at all? And American comes up with another not thought out idea.
Hey, CDC and American Airlines..there are masks out there, with exhaust valves, that have filtration systems built in. Didn't think of that 1 with the blanket statement: "Not allowed:
Face coverings with exhaust valves." did you.
btweston 1
I told them they should have asked that one guy on the internet, but hey never listen.
Coalora 2
This whole thing has devolved into a panic, and it's not going to let up before November. Don't expect rational decisions from any corporation.
Fuhndhu 0
November ? Are you talking 2020 or 2021 ?
Bad and lethal idea. How are passengers with medical conditions supposed to breathe?
Anywhere but on a plane
btweston 0
Exactly. Who are these lethal bands of ne’er do wells forcing people with medical conditions to ride on planes?


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