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Boeing Advertising To Canadians Trying To Get Some Love...

Interesting... and amazing what Boeing is doing in Canada... ( 기타...

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I guess Boeing forgot about what they did to Canadians and the C Series. We do not need Boeing, or US jets.
Boeing can take their aircraft and shove them where the sun don't shine.

Remember back in 1986, Boeing bought de Havilland Canada's (DHC) Downsview assembly plants to leverage the company to influence Air Canada (then a Crown Corporation), to purchase more Boeing airliners. When Air Canada went with Airbus instead, Boeing immediately pulled out of Downsview. While at Downsview, Boeing was highly critical of DHC's assembly methods, essentially calling DHC management and personnel "yokels".
To be fair, Fliegerfaust is not what you would exactly call unbiased reporting. But the fact is, as a Canadian I would buy anything before I would buy Boeing at this point. And when it comes to buying the F-18 or the F-35, I wouldn't buy either. The F-35 is an overpriced POS. We should take Gripen, Typhoon, or anything else. Trump screwed us, and I'm not forgetting it.
Wonder if Canada not buying an American replacement for the CF-18s would likely invite more US trade or other retaliation? When urging Canada to increase defense spending to 2% GDP on defense, I can't help but wonder if the US might have had a particular beneficiary in mind.
lbelzil 0
This is quite a rant.
Yes Boeing boned Bombardier.
They demonstrated that they know how to play aerospace politics and if they are locked out of the CF-18 replacement, expect major litigation against Canada. Meanwhile they will likely continue to prosper from US defense contracts, even beyond what the 737MAX disaster will cost them. National security etc.

Too Big To Fail.


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