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Delta Air Lines CEO Encourages Everybody To Get COVID-19 Vaccine

CEO of Delta Air Lines has spoken in an interview today about his feelings around the COVID vaccine ( 기타...

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There's no guarantee it even works. Typically it takes six years to go from the idea to a vaccine, NOT ONE YEAR. The makers would have had to know there was a virus out there five years ago. And part of a trial period is three years of rigorous testing to know the side effects and perfect the product. Sometin smels - the military is going to issue it?
It does work. 90% effective. This shows how far science has advanced in a very short time. The military is in charge of the logistics of the vaccine's distribution. Some people are going to get what feels like a mild case of Covid-19 from the vaccination. I am looking forward to being able to travel again safely. This whole mess should be a wake up call as to what a bunch of slobs human beings have become. Flying on a clean plane with healthy passengers will be a pleasure.
And the annual HK flu shot is only 40% efficient.
Well think of Birth control pills are also only 78% efficient and they have been out how many years??
Birth controls pills are 98% effective if you take them correctly. 100% effective if you hold them between you knees.
I did a paper during nursing school on birth control pills and its only 78% efficient.
Did you get a C+ for your grade?
Wasn’t even a year to make. It was about 5 months, with no long term effects being tested. All not be having it.


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