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Welcome back! Lufthansa Crew returns to Munich from record flight to the Falkland Islands

Today at 1:24 pm the crew of the Lufthansa record-breaking flight received a very warm "welcome back" upon their return in Germany. ( 기타...

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Looked up 'coherently' in a German-English dictionary and found coherently explained as zusammenhängend. Looked up contiguous and it's zusammenhängend. zusammenhängend in a German-English dictionary used for continuous text or coherent sentences. Things hanging together, I guess.
Yes, of course it is a translation glitch - such things are very common between languages.
In English, in that context, there is no way "coherently" was correct, or even appropriate, beyond attracting my amused and good-natured comment.
One is allowed to smile :-)
" no other crew had recently completed more duty days coherently."
What a terrible choice of words!
Should we suppose that more duty days than that turned them all into gibbering idiots?
"coherently" Lost in Translation perhaps? PS It would be interesting to know the flight number.
The outbound flight was LH2574 and the return flight was LH2575.

“Coherently” is being used correctly, but certainly in an unusual and somewhat confusing way.


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