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Travelers Running Into Problems With Redeeming Airline Credits

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — At the beginning of the pandemic, many people opted not to fly and got issued airfare credits instead to use when they feel safer on planes. There are some restrictions to those credits and some, especially those given by third-party travel websites, are not allowing them to be redeemed for just any fight as travel is starting to pick back up. “It was a flight directly to Germany and back and then COVID hit,” said one traveler. ( 기타...

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k1121j 2
Expedia did this to me tried to charge me 800.00 for a 200.00 flight i called AA and i was charged 50.00 per ticket to move my credit back to AA i took the hit it was way cheaper to pay 200.0 for the exact same flight number....


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