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Amsterdam Schiphol Airport To Use Construction Panels Made From Its Grass

Amsterdam Schiphol is taking sustainability to the next level by using grass to make its own panels for various building projects at the airport. ( 기타...

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They say it will be like MDF, which uses formaldehyde as a bonding agent, also used for embalming dead bodies. Unless they find another 'green' bonding agent.
Normally, you would expect the clippings to be left to provide nutrients for further production of grass. Or they could be composted. They should not be going into waste. This idea sounds great and is interesting but does not seem to be solving a real problem. Also, what about the process of producing these chemicals that will be used in the production of the panels and the actual manufacturing process of the panels. What byproducts are these producing? This does not seem to be doing much to improve the environment.


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