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Airline Deregulation: When Everything Changed

Passed with bipartisan support, the Airline Deregulation Act phased out the Civil Aeronautics Board and immediately lifted restrictions on fares and access to routes. Airlines could now fly where they wanted and charge what the market would bear. Established airlines rushed to gain or preserve access to the most lucrative routes. New airlines quickly formed. Fierce competition resulted and drove fares down. Passengers flocked to airports in record numbers. ( 기타...

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bbabis 2
And airline terminals became bus terminals.
The beginning of the race to the bottom. We're almost there.
i remember it quite well..after that is when the bankruptcies and the mergers began in full force, and many good carriers went away..
Beware of the consequences of ill-thought out plans and what they will produce. As "Bert Lance" said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


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