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Impact of Omicron on European air traffic ‘immediate and substantial’

The COVID waves are getting bigger. Lets hope for a permanent turnaround as we slide into 2022. ( 기타...

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Lol......the public cracks me up! You guys are such social media suckers. I have 3 sisters in the medical field working at hospitals and a GF in the lab.....certified....doing the US lab work! Covid.....on top of that.
Politics aside.....keep flying.....because the weak will never Fly and stay on the ground! Piece!!
I got the Omi variant. Fever....cough....and weak. Back up to vax or booster! I have family in the medical field .....full time ........amazing how so many people believe the crap on social media!
Cheap Headline. Should read "Impact of Omicron on World air traffic "immediate and substantial". Does the author/editor not read the headlines?
Only comment: the vaccines only ever claimed to reduced the symptoms, not catching it. To the posters complaining that people get two weeks off.. be happy you got a mild case. Besides,I work from home and work regardless unless I’m too sick to focus on the work.
The Omicron symptoms include feeling like you just got off from a hard days work. That baffles liberals as they haven't a clue what that feels like!
Can we keep politics off of this forum? I really don’t care what your politics are, I care about aviation issues.
Unfortunately politics and political agendas have a very real impact on aviation.
To echo that point I was sick for a day with it and then had a remaining two weeks of "mandatory" vacation.
ADXbear 6
Here we go again,,,, 2022 looks like it's going to suck like 2020... people, all people must get the shots, masks everywhere.. for one year to get a hold on this virus.
Vaccinated people are spreading it. The virus mutates to survive the vaccine immune response. That’s not going to stop it. Sorry
Just two weeks...I mean 3 years to slow the spread.
Until there is a vaccine that gives years of or even a lifetime of 90+% immunity, that is, it prevents a person from contracting and spreading this virus, it will continue to circulate just like influenza and the common cold. Unfortunately, the current vaccines minimize symptoms and are not providing a high degree of immunity. Furthermore, the immunity they do provide appears to last only a few months.
Despite having all three shots I've been traveling over this past holiday. I have some follow up lab work for my annual check up at the VA when I get back home. Just for the hell of it I'm going to get tested just to see how well the vaccines work. I have no symptoms and I feel fine, but better safe than sorry. Plus, the nurse I usually go to at the ATL VA is very attractive and she knows the right way to pick my brain through my nostril. She even gives me a choice of which nostril I want to get entered in, lol. Future wife material right there.
All kidding aside I got moved back to working in the general public again and my job isn't playing around with the COVID nonsense. It doesn't bother me one way or the other. People's opi ions about it don't bother me one way or the other either. I've got bigger fish to fry in my own personal life between work and home not a whole lot offends me what other people's personal beliefs are.


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