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Spirit and Frontier – A Fuel Efficient Combined Large ULCC

The acquisition of Spirit Airlines by Frontier Airlines will produce a combined large ULCC (Ultra Low-Cost Carrier) that will likely be disruptive to competitive dynamics in the industry. ( 기타...

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this combined operation will work best for skinny people without baggage. Otherwise, seat discomfort and a diminished wallet from ticky-tacky al-la-carte price gouging honed to a science over years will be the experience of the day. At some point soon this amalgam will be a market maker in pricing, never in service, and perhaps in frequencies. They will be flying everywhere, disrupting city pairs except to those who will pay for predictable service , those who like business class, and those who accumulate frequent flier miles through business flights. I suggest a special new name for this mess: since they will have lots of airbus equipment, try American AirBus lines..that about says it....the full bus experience in the skies.....
Overtaken by JetBlue as "the worst airline" according to a report.
I've never had a problem with Jetblue. Excellent service in my opinion.


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