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iPhone Mistakenly Dropped From C-130 Found Scratch-Free

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- A North Carolina airman has recovered a cell phone that fell 1,000 feet from a military plane in like-new condition after tracking the device across several miles of rugged terrain. ( 기타...

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Someone I know threw an iPhone 200 feet- into the bleachers of a football field. After striking the metal bleachers and falling 40 feet to the gravel below, we found it in perfect condition with no scrathes. It seems like smaller drop cause more damage!
I knew iPhone had problems with dropped calls, but this is new.
Hardly a newsworthy article..
Sounds like a iphone commercial-too good to be true?
Justin L 0
Long distance call?
Justin L 0
or "lightning fast speed"


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