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Woman crashed through airport gate, drove on runway

A Florida airport shut down for about a half-hour over the weekend after a woman crashed her car through a secured gate and drove across a runway, officials said. After entering airport property, the woman drove across an active runway and headed toward a Spirit Airlines plane, officials said. She eventually stopped in front of ground services employees, and police officers took her into custody. ( 기타...

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ADXbear 6
Was she serious about blowing their brains out, or shooting them, hmmm
LMAO, that's a good one.
Sometimes I just don't understand these people... Somewhere Drugs and or Alcohol will come into play here!
Yup, at my airport, we have these every so often. The code word is Legal 2000. I’ll leave you to guess what that means……
Not to be outdone by Florida Man, Florida Woman tags in.
Something in the water down there, I hear......
Attempted suicide by cop? Certainly a disturbed individual. And Florida Man in action.


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