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Deadly Demo Flight: The 2012 Mount Salak Sukhoi Superjet Crash

After ignoring warning a Sukhoi SSJ100 crashed in Indonesia. ( 기타...

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EMK69 10
I'm going out on a limb here but I'm assuming Indonesian officials did not buy the aircraft.
Sounds like there were many factors... Crew being properly prepared, suspecting a fault when there was none... Very sad!
ADXbear 6
Sad so many pilots ignore their instrumentation and continue to fly into the ground or granite on into IMC and lose control.
Very sad... It is amazing that so many pilots have flown into the Ground that it has earned an acronyn (CFIT - Controlled Flight Into Terrain)
Incredible. Lack of training + arrogance = catastrophe.
Iskra 4
Not everyone was meant to be a pilot
You know the old, bold, pilot saying proves true.


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