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Co-Pilot Dies After Falling from Plane Making Emergency Landing at RDU

A man is dead following an incident yesterday (July 29, 2022) where he fell from a twin-engine CASA CN-212 Aviocar as it approached Raleigh-Durham International Airport in North Carolina. ( 기타...

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I suspect there is an explanation for this that is sad and unfortunate, not sensational, like the media would hope.
Would like to hear the ATC recording on this, but I don’t see it posted anywhere yet.
Video of landing:
What kinda pilot jumps out of a flying aircraft without a parachute??! What am I missing here?
bentwing60 -1
'Darwin' does not restrict his endeavors! Yet more from our current Bizarro world and, no, the landing gear on a CN-212 are not retractable but a wheel and tyre might not arrive after the departure on an odd occasion.

Don Henley said it best some time ago, "The more I know, the less I understand"!


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