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11 Unbelievable Aviation Oops Moments

Airplanes can get themselves into some awkward positions. Here are 11 situations that will make you do a double take. ( 기타...

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John Andre 0
I believe that first one is the Portuguese airline SATA. I've suffered moderate to severe chop in one of those but nothing quite like that!
mark tufts 0
ooooopppppsssss is right
A few more interesting aviation accident pictures here: []
Seeing that NWA collision reminds me of the time when we were part of a big "oops" moment. NWA 753 vs DAL 738 at Seattle, December 28, 2008. This is the best story I could dig up on it: {] The interesting part was that our ground crew appeared to not "know" of the incident and instructed engine start and we started to taxi, when a Delta pickup came speeding over. Then other vehicles. Then airport Police. It took us a while to get back home once everyone was re-routed.


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