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Sunwing suspends operations out of Saskatoon, Regina until Feb. 3

Sunwing Airlines will cancel its operations from Saskatoon and Regina effective immediately, up to and including Feb. 3, 2023, “due to extenuating circumstances,” the company announced on Twitter. ( 기타...

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Anybody that flies Sunwing deserves what they get. this is an airline that should not be in business period!!
The airline has been renamed to "SunWing and a Prayer"
SunWing is a joke. End of story
Not a good idea when you have travellers in other countries waiting to go home to Regina and Saskatchewan and you leave them stranded. Heard the pax are working on a class action lawsuit.
Rick D 1
I didn't know that Saskatoon and Regina were winter-time holiday destinations.
Tim Dyck 2
we travel south to Saskatoon for a short vacation every so often. It's all a matter of perspective.

People who live in Saskatoon & Regina like to go FROM there to sunny holiday destinations. Eventually, although they may not want to, they have to go back TO there.
I think the article stated “from” not “to”.


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