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More air traffic controllers at night just a start

WASHINGTON (AP) — The solution to air traffic controllers dozing on the job will require changes beyond the Federal Aviation Administration's step of adding a second air traffic controller to overnight . . . ( 기타...

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preacher1 0
well, maybe now that it has come to light and found that it is something that has been there awhile and even unofficially sanctioned, maybe it will be dealt with and handled correctly rather than just a knee jerk reaction. I think the former IG quoted here is coreect though, in that sanctioned napping won't fly. You also have to remember that most of this back shift and low density stuff are positions that have been bid by those with seniority in order to leave the daily pressure cookers. If there';s not enough activity to keep them awake, close them down.
mark tufts 0
des moines internationial airport has had two controllers on duty overnight and they have atleast three on duty during the other shifts. more airports need to take steps quickly before there is a major accident
preacher1 0
Well, it goes back to the question, the traffic density. They are obviously needed
What this really comes down to is controller staffing. The only way to solve this is hire CTO and CTI grads, and issue another PUBNAT.

Crap, the reason there going to sleep is because the ones that get caught sleeping have no personnel disipline. I you know you have to work, you go home and get to sleep not go partying and think you can make it up at work by sneeking in a nap. The other problem is there is not penalty, if you get caught sleeping on the job with that kind of responsibility, you get fired, no questions ask. That doesn't happen because everyone is afraid of getting sued.
preacher1 0
Well, I notice sheka talks about Des Moine like it is a local thing. He needs to realize that it is a federal thing, not local option.

Well said Dennis. I notice LaHood's "not on my watch" knee jerk tough guy reaction is typically bureaucratese. In all honesty, there is probably some middle ground here somewhere but both sides are so opposed to each other, they won't seek it.
Thanks Wayne,

Its nice to know that there is still some rational out there. The FAAs, Gov. in generals, idea about fixing things is throw more people at it and it will go away. I agree with you, if they have time to sleep, shut the facility down. read Avwebs artical about a pilot who busted altitude in a Hawker returning from and airshow and what happened to him.


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