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Philippine Airlines Looks to Purchase Nine A350s for Long-Haul Operations

Philippine Airlines has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus for the purchase of nine Airbus A350 aircraft. The airline hopes to integrate these aircraft into its current long-haul operations, specifically for flights between Manila and North America. ( 기타...

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srobak 1
Never understood why they got rid of their existing 350's to begin with.... they were already bought and paid for. They sold them (save for 2) to Luft at a loss and now have to shell out nearly twice as much for replacements. That was dumb.

Anyhow - I have flown in their 350s for years between the US and MNL... and it is a fantastic aircraft to be locked up in for almost 15 hours. Quiet, comfortable, great seats, great staff. The 777s are good too - but between the two of them, the 350 is the way to go. It will be nice to ride the new ones in 2025.


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