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£1,000,000 donated to help permanent museum for Concorde.

Rolls Royce has donated £1 million (US$1,510,000) to help fund the construction of a permanent museum for Concorde G-BOAF, the last Concorde to fly. G-BOAF has been on the apron of Bristol's Filton airfield - now closed to air traffic. The 'Bristol Aero Collection Trust' is currently raising the £13 million needed to construct the museum. As of 1st May 2013. The Bristol Aero Collection Trust has received around £4 million in pledges. ( 기타...

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...I wish New York would do the same...for several aircraft/spacecraft.
josh homer 3
New York isn't the city to do something like that. Those planes would get graffiti and hobo's would sleep in the luggage compartments. I kid though. Spent a month in NYC and New Yorkers are some of the coolest people I've ever met. Why they don't have an aviation museum is beyond me.
New York is not the right city also because the city was so vigorously against allowing supersonic transport (the SST) into New York City. There was a strong element of opposition simply on the grounds of 'not-invented-here', given that the USA did not have such an aircraft, but the ideal early routes for Concorde (London-New York, Paris-New York) were not available.
Would it be nice to know if either Air France or British Airways had quietly kept one aircraft intact ready for possible future flying! If old war planes can be kept airworthy i.e Vulcan, why not the great icons of the passenger age?
Can be seen on Google Earth at Filton Bristol UK beside main runway and Brabazon hanger were it was created.
This is sad .....
What's wrong with the Intrepid Air and Space Museum in New York? Admittedly it is not the largest collection of aircraft but I am also not sure where else there would be room for a larger collection.
I was lucky enough to fly on Alpha Foxtrot and Alpha Charlie. The guys at Manchester have done a wonderful job housing and preserving Alpha Charlie, so it will be great to see -AF in a purpose built home at last.
G-BOAA is housed at the Scottish Museum of Flight in East Fortune
My local one is G-AXDN: very interesting as it's totally packed from end to end with test equipment.
Well worth a visit!

This museum also houses a VC10 - another truly beautiful aircraft, sadly killed off by economics ...
(although 4 are still in use with the RAF)
My nearest preserved Concorde is G-BSST in the Fleet air arm museum at RNAS Yeovilton:
The Bristol Aero Collection Trust has received a further donation of money from the heritage lottery fund:
It's nice to see Alpha Charlie looking resplendent in the purpose built hanger at Manchester Airport viewing park. The hanger is used for weddings also and other gatherings, plus being able to enjoy a meal in the restaurant overlooking Concorde.
I agree one should have been preserved to fly the same as the Vulcan, the only person i understand prepared to carry on with Concorde was Richard Branson, but since all the spares were destoyed that put an end to see it once more in flight.
Intrepid already has a Concorde .... G-BOAD


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