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London City airport expansion gets government approval

UK Government ministers have given the go-ahead for a £344m expansion of London City airport (LCY - EGLC). The plans include an extended terminal, more space for planes to taxi to and from the runway, and new aircraft stands that will allow bigger, more modern planes to use the airport. ( 기타...

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This expansion is not an alternative to the capacity needed at Heathrow or Gatwick. There still won't be any heavies landing at EGLC.
No real problem with this, more sensible than Heathrow expansion. But if London can have an airport on its doorstep, why is Birmingham once again overlooked. Its as close (time) to the city centre as London City, and doesn't have the significant traffic issues associated with London airspace (and roads...).

Birmingham airport desperately needs a new runway to help it work alongside Manchester to really ignite regional economies - but once again London takes the limelight!


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