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157 aboard Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi involved in fatal crash

Ethiopian Airlines says it believes 149 passengers and eight crew members were on board a plane that crashed six minutes after taking off from Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, on a flight to Nairobi. ( 기타...

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2e issue fatale pour le 737 MAX
Sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes
ETH 302 reliant Addis-Abeba à Nairobi s’est écrasé quelque min après son décollage. L’appareil de Ethiopian Airlines, était un Boeing 737 Max 8. . C’est le deuxième crash de la série 737 Max 8 après celui de Lion Air.
i will not get in one of these boeings as a passenger until i read on this site that there is complete understanding on the cause(s) and fixes for these crashes. This was not a crash by some Lion airline style crap airline, bad maintenance and bad piloting. Ethiopian airlines is in my mind a trustworthy operation. Boeing best get busy discerning what the heck is going on here.
Viv Pike 3
Agreed 100%
I’m not making any assumptions (I’ll leave that to the professionals), but it appears to be another 737 MAX

737 MAX 8 (ET-AVJ), delivered November 2018.
Viv Pike 4
I, too, will not make any "assumptions", but I can state that Ethiopian have excellent safety and maintenance, and is a huge hub for Boeing Maintenance.
The speed was high. Almost 440 knots. The allitude was low maybe max of 500 feet off the ground and the vertical altitude was very irratic. And the plane was only 4 months old. Hum makes you think. But the cause will soon come out.
Viv Pike 4
The cause needs to come out sooner, rather than later. If only to quell speculation.
Yes it will. I was just giving information I got from bbc who got from some flight tracking system.
Involved hardly the right word they are dead as a result of an accident.
AVHerald reporting:
ADS-B readouts are at
After the crash I don,t think anyone will fly in that plane for awhile.when cleared who knows
Viv Pike 1
Another Max 8 ....
Viv Pike 0
Reading through all the comments, it appears - to me, anyway - that many are making "assumptions" on the cause of this tragedy, and making references to "stall", "trim", "nosedive", "pilots", "Boeing", etc. However, what about this?

(quoted extract). "The plane was already on fire when it crashed to the ground. The crash caused a big explosion," said witness Tegegn Dechasa at the site, littered with passenger belongings, human remains, and airplane parts.
"The plane was in flames in its rear side shortly before the crash. The plane was swerving erratically before the crash."
Farmer Sisay Gemechu, said: "The plane seemed to be aiming to land at a nearby level open field, but crashed before reaching there."

Why don't we wait for the official cause, instead of speculation?
For a jet that didn't get far off the ground, it managed to crash 62km from the airport. Something ain't right on this report:

"Flight ET 302, registration number ET-AVJ, crashed near the town of Bishoftu, 62 kilometers southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, the airline said.The pilot mentioned that he had difficulties and that he wanted to return. He was give the clearance to return back,"
I know right. Look at the flight tracking logs. From what I heard he was flooring that jet. He got to 440 knots and was hauling butt at a low altitude. When the plane crashed it made a huge crater and for such a low altitude this isn’t easy to do.
As his speed was high, there is the possibility he was in a gig hurry to get back down. It may have been a fire in the cargo compartment or elex bay... or any of a thousand possibilities. Only time will tell AFTER the investigation is complete.
To be honest from the information I’m seeing now this doesn’t look like a stall at all. He had speed so it sounds like something else happen.
Viv Pike 0
Agreed. Not to mention that tracking "stopped abruptly a few thousand feet" above GL
Terrain around HAAB is about 7700 feet. At 2992/1013.2 that would give him "a few thousand feet", but not necessarily anything above GL.


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