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Emirates to add 21 new Airbus A380s and 16 Boeing 777s as it expands in Asia

Emirates, the world’s biggest long-haul airline, plans to add 37 new planes to its fleet in the fiscal year beginning April as it expands operations in Asia with new destinations. The airline will receive 21 Airbus Group SE A380 superjumbos and 16 Boeing 777s in the year ending March 2017, Chief Commercial Officer Thierry Antinori said Wednesday in Singapore. The aircraft are worth $14.5 billion at list prices.... ( 기타...

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Pretty remarkable. Not long ago there was talk of the A380 program shutting down, and suddenly Airbus has a bunch of orders for the plane from Emirates, ANA, Iran Air.

Boeing must be happy as well to have received orders for the 777 while the 777X is gearing up.
Good for Airbus


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