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Engineer at Boeing admits trying to sell space secrets to Russians

Gregory Allen Justice, a 49-year-old engineer living in Culver City, Calif., has pleaded guilty to charges of attempted economic espionage and attempted violation of the Export Control Act. Justice, who according to his father worked for Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, Calif., was arrested last July after selling technical documents about satellite systems to someone he believed to be a Russian intelligence agent. Instead, he sold the docs to an undercover Federal Bureau of Investigation… ( 기타...

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It looks like justice just got some well deserved justice.
If proven guilty I hope he serves many years in prison. Maybe, just maybe, it will serve as an example to others o what NOT to do.
He pleaded guilty, no need for proof. He is guilty.
Boeing would do better to watch what is going on in his own factory rather than quarreling with his neighbor Bombardier ...
This man must answer for his actions and pay for them accordingly.... No reason for this...
Justice for Mr Justice.
Wait ... I thought that giving secret information to the Russians was ok now. Someone apparently didn't get the memo.
Mike Mohle -3
Yes. The Democrats have been doing it for decades.
"Soooooo, you're saying it's wrong to do that? Okay, lesson learned." ;-)
Tom Lull 1
Fine example of the basic truth that there are errors in judgement that wipe all previously acquired atta-boys.
Since Comey was paid millions by Lockheed I have to wonder how many of the industrial espionage materials gathered over the years are transferred to competitors.
It is called treason and there is but one acceptable sentence for that.
Ruger9X19 12
No it's called espionage and prison is a perfectly acceptable sentence.
I'll bet the courts could consider this treason depending on the nature of the stolen information


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