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New Rules for Space Warfare ?

space experts make their best predictions about what kind of scenarios might come into play – such as the use of kinetic weapons in space:space experts make their best predictions about what kind of scenarios might come into play – such as the use of kinetic weapons in space ( 기타...

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That's a joke, today's combatants don't even follow the treaty's they have signed now...why would a space treaty work. We don't know much about the pollution in orbit. How do you verify weapons inspections in the vacuum of space. You can't that's why this idea is a non-standard. I also have no doubt that the Russians, Chinese, French and the United States have nukes in orbit now.
I guess this is why this international consortium is trying to develop guidelines - the issue is that once strong guidelines are out for discussion they tend to become a benchmark for any further discussion at supra-national level, whether agreed upon or not. That is how international law operates. And why it is important to keep abreast of that sort of debate not to find oneself on the back foot - especially if, as you point out, one has already weaponized space vehicles, or at a developmental stage. Thanks for your comment.
You are absolutely correct. The most important facet of a diplomats utility is to keep both belligerent to keep talking. This kind of diplomacy is absolutely critical. Keep the potential adversaries talking. Nobody can win a nuclear war unless you are the leader of a terrorist organization like ISIS. The next problems are Russia, China, North Korea or some wacked-out nut with a dirty Bomb. I really wonder what the Space Shuttle missions were for the military? You don't use the Shuttle to do pure science. Once that cargo-bay door is closed nobody can find out what they are putting in orbit. The military payloads must have been huge. You don't launch the Shuttle to plop a couple of GPS satellites in a geosynchronous orbit.
one learns by listening, so indeed "they" must be let talk ... and agreed, pure science is a fantasy. Science aims at being applied in one form or another. But let us see what that consortium comes up with and , more importantly, how interested parties respond.


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