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California Pacific Airlines to launch service from Carlsbad

Ted Vallas' Carlsbad-based start-up airline that he founded in 2009 and then went quiet in 2013 is back in the news. After acquisition of Aerodynamics, Inc. and a fleet of four Embraer ERJ-145s in late-2017, California Pacific Airlines is said to be gearing up to begin service out of McClellan-Palomar Airport before the end of this summer. Destinations the airline hopes to serve include San Jose, Phoenix and Las Vegas. ( 기타...

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About bloody time!

Though I notice that they dropped from the original 7 E170s they were originally going to fly down to the single E145 then add the E170s later. Also it looks like they dropped rom 7 destinations to start down to 3: KSJC, KPHX, and KLAS. KSMF was originally on their route map, as that would have provided a nice alternate destination into KSAN.

We'll see how this works. If they have the viability as a regional, this may have potential to be good.
After Cal Jet by Elite Airways suspended their service recently, I really think CP Air needs to get firmly established at McClellan-Palomar and get services up and running, fast.


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