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Japan's first passenger jet in decades put on hold

Plans for Japan's first homegrown passenger plane in more than five decades have been frozen as the airline industry suffers from a deep drop in demand. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the company behind the new SpaceJet, is cutting its budget for the project. Long-delayed, the Mitsubishi SpaceJet has missed six delivery deadlines going back to 2013. Test flights in the US were suspended this year due to the virus pandemic. ( 기타...

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this aircraft has had fits and starts for far too long to be taken seriously as an aircraft for prime time. Perhaps some second rate mexican airline can delude itself into believing this will fly, but not any primo company. Japanese aerospace has constructed numerous excellent aircraft, but this spacejet is not going to be among them. Don't know why this bird is a dud, but a dud it surely is.
Maybe it was the timing and the markets kept changing. There were plenty of orders early on as the EMBRAER E jets were being snatched up. The introduction of the C Series, now A220 probably didn't help matters as well as the failure of the Sukhoi Superjet. Maybe they weren't aggressive enough to compete.


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