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Man restrained after trying to open door of BA aircraft in midair

A man suffering a panic attack tried to open the door of a British Airways flight to Saudi Arabia in midair but was stopped by fellow passengers, including the brother of the boxer Dillian Whyte. The incident occurred on Monday night about an hour before BA flight 263 from Heathrow to Riyadh was due to land in the Saudi capital. Without warning a clearly agitated man started trying to pull the lever on the door at the back of the plane while screaming “I want to get out” in broken English. ( 기타...

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why can't the flight attendant just give him a oxygen mask/bottle to breathe
you make him agitated
flight attendant's fault
bbabis 2
Outside of possibly D.B. Cooper I don't think exiting a commercial jet in mid-flight has been very successful, particularly without a parachute.
He's being a dumbass. Has he not paid attention to the safety video or what?
Have a little compassion would ya? Panic attacks are no joke and people in the midst of one aren't thinking about the safety video.
I care, man.
I've been on a plane almost 40 times and I am pretty attentive. How about you?
I'm a Canadian, how about you?
This year?
My entire lifetime.

Are you Canadian or not?
dmanuel 6
It was good that the article carried the statement that the doors cannot be opened in flight (should have said once the cabin is pressurized), alleviating a concern that nonaviators might have.
Krusty wants out!


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