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Sydney Airport COVID-19 slowdown hands hobby pilots bucket list take-off experience

Hobby pilots have been landing and taking off from Sydney Airport during the coronavirus period. Restrictions on air travel mean commercial jets are barely using the airport's runways. Recreational pilot Mark Keech said landing at the airport was a unique opportunity he had to take. ( 기타...

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All jokes aside when you get on final in a dinky toy sized airplane at one of those airports built for heavies you have to force yourself to fly onto it. They are so wide its really easy to start to flare at 100 ft or so. Most of the old planes I ever flew could have landed across them.
I wonder how many airports in the US have seen an increase in GA activity? I am sure there are some that pilots would want to visit.
Did a low altitude overflight of SFO, followed by a low approach Rwy 28L a few months ago. Landing or T&G would have probably triggered a landing fee, so did not ask for that....
'this is serious, it's an international airport and I've got a 777 up my arse'," Funny!
I love his other comment about having to takeoff again because the taxiway was 1km away...
Good for Mark Keech... lighthearted fun... good way to start my morning Reading this
Woozle 4
It's the same ar Gatwick. I've tracked RAF C130's using it for touch and go circuits. I assume everyone is happy just to see something happening.
Some 20+ years ago I used to do my instrument renewals out of Bankstown. I had to wait for a quiet time at Sydney (there were very few) and conduct an ILS or two. Always an interesting experience although never with that view. I had to wear a hood/visor!
What a great experience that flight would have been. Would have been interesting to hear some ATC chatter though. Great video.
The first I've heard about it and I live here. YSSY is very active with both regional and domestic movements daily. It being a Class C Control Zone means recreational licence holders are prohibited from entering the Zone. Victor 1 corridor along the east coast of the city, might be what the ABC are referring to. As for landing at YSSY, well in peak periods a $250 fee on take-off, landings applies.
gusneer 7
Similarly, two months ago a group of hot-air-balloon pilots took advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and took off from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport


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