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BA poaches KLM’s COO de Groot as it cuts ANOTHER 10,300 flights

British Airways (BA) has appointed KLM’s Rene de Groot as chief operating officer as the airline was forced to cancel another 10,300 short-haul flights. “We’re pleased to welcome René de Groot to our senior Management Committee team, who will be joining us as our Chief Operating Officer,” said the airline. ( 기타...

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Al US airlines should follow and cancel hundreds of flights in advance as to not leave us stranded!
It's nice to note that HE carried the airline during the pandemic.
They need to replace their CEO who has driven BA into the ground. They've gone from a World Class airline, complete with Concorde, to an EasyJet wanna-be.

It seems that any airline that is brought under the IAG umbrella ends up being decimated.


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