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Donald Trump wants to repaint Air Force One to look “more American”

Donald Trump is not a man tied down by convention. So it’s only fitting that he wants to do away with the iconic robin’s egg blue that has been the symbol of the presidency in the sky for decades. According to Axios, during the negotiations with Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg earlier this year—when the two agreed on a deal for the cost of refurbishing the two 747 jets purchased from Boeing in 2017—President Trump specified that he’d like to update the paint job of the aircraft to look “more… ( 기타...

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chalet 1
After meeting Putin yesterday he said so many things about his newly found Russian friend that Trump should really ask Putin for tips and ideas on the new 747s internal layput, outside livery, and perhaps also what special radios and communications gear should be intalled, after all that is what friends are for.
It is not his aircraft.


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