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Dumb and Dumber: A Drone Flies Dangerously Close to an A380 During Take Off

Albert Einstein used to say that “only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.” The video shows an Airbus A380 taking off from the Plaine Magnien Airport located on the Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean. The A380 is the largest commercial airliner in the world and can carry more than 500 passengers in a typical three class seat configuration and up to 850 passengers in a densified all-economy cabin version. As the jumbo jet takes off… ( 기타...

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Couldn't find a date for when the video was recorded. I also tried to see the registration number on the fuselage but the quality wasn't good enough. Here is the link for the daily flight.
I suppose it might possible to find the day UAE702 took off right after UAE703 landed, but that’ll take some time to pull replays.
Surprised that drone didn’t get any wake turbulence from the super. Thought it would have gone through an aeronautical washing machine shortly after the plane passed at that range.
Digital zoom was clearly on, It was well to the side of the aircraft. Usually it's behind that has the worst wake turbulence and the video cuts off before the "cone" of turbulence would have hit the drone's location.
The drone was neither behind nor beneath the 380 for it to be affected by the wake.
photo taken at muritius on 17/07/2018
I do think it is zoomed in, but looking at the parallax of items around the landscape as the camera moves, one can get a good idea of distance. To judge those distances, from the center of the left (for our view) taxiway to the runway center line is 200M.[as measured on Google Earth] From the extended runway center line to the corner of that dark green patch that extends right into the field is about 300M. The well defined fence boundary to the right (our view) of the runway center line is 175M. I never see the drone get closer to extended runway center line than that fence distance. I would say, 200M or two football fields away. The sifting parallax supports this.

That said, this is a good chance to promote safety. While two football fields is a large zone, had the A380 made a left-hand turnout climb after takeoff it would have been a different situation.


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