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Vietnam Airlines Passenger Inflates Emergency Slide While Attempting to Open Plane Window

The Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien newspapers reported that 22-year-old Nguyen Duc Duy was seated next to an emergency exit on the Airbus A321 aircraft when he used a handle on the door, causing it to open and inflate the evacuation slide. ( 기타...

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His fine was only 950 dollars? The cost to the airline for the delay+replacing the slide+re-clearing the aircraft is definitely higher than that, not to mention the inevitable domino delays at the airport. His fine should have been much higher than that.
linbb 0
Glad that you dont fly and sit next to one as if it was ever needed you wouldnt know what to do.
I thought there was some lock for this, no?
If there was a lock, then you wouldn't be able to open it in an emergency!


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